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  • Writer's picturejaymeswll

Basic Things For That Epic Adventure Trip.

Updated: Apr 17, 2023

What basic things do you really need when you want to adventure on a budget trip. Maybe to the rural outskirts, to the mountains,to the beautiful scenic craters, to those beautiful upcountry terrains. Worry less cause we got an insight on what Main basic things you might need to compliment your trip and make it memorable.

  1. Plan

  2. Sports shoes or trail shoes

  3. Water(plenty of water)

  4. Camera

  5. First aid kit

  6. Extra trail suits or sweat pants

  7. Backpack

  8. Trail or hiking sticks

  9. Few dollars in Cash



This should be the first thing any person planning on adventuring should have or come up with. It's so crucial because it's at this stage that you choose the right items to take along. You need to plan ahead so that you don't miss anything that you will need. In this case make your google map your most closest 'friend' google enough to know about the trails you will be taking, ratings of the place, browse what other people reviewed about it and gather as much information as you can about your trail choice. It's the first important stage that any person intending to trip should make sure it's not missed. So that your trip can be a smooth one without inconveniences.

Check more on here on what you should know when choosing a trail.


2. Sports Shoes or Trail Shoes

Here we will talk about the type of footwear you will be using.

For every adventure you will need the most comfortable footwear so that you don't have to suffer or even cut short your trip for a very simple mistake you could have avoided.

You will need the right shoes for different trails cause a normal road trip where you just have to drive and maybe do stop overs and view and take pictures you won't need boots, you will need proper open shoes that will suit the driving part and the adventure part.

On cases where you will need to walk around moderate hiking trails, soft sport shoes are a recommendation otherwise heavy would not go well, also the open shoes is a bad choice on this case.

On a case where you have to do steep hiking, mountain 🏔️ hiking or rocky trails you will need good treaded wears that will be able to take you through the rough and extreme places you can think of.

You can also check the best hiking shoes here 👉


3. Water (Plenty of Water)

This is one thing you would not want to forget, not every place has pure and clean drinking water, hiking and trekking causes high dehydration. And the body will need more amount of water than what it is loosing. So make sure you pack extra litres cause you never know how long your trip will last.


4. Camera

This is one thing you would never want to miss to take with you on your epic trip. Otherwise it will be a worthless one without framing the moments.

You wouldn't need a professional Camera in this case cause nowadays the phones got you covered but i would not mind taking my camera with me as it's main objective is take quality images. As a professional photographer i would choose the best lens to suit my travel which mostly will be involving in landscape photography as it's an outdoor activity. Choose the best that you feel it will save your moments because at the end of it, moments and memories are what we need to remember that adventurous trip.

If you are pro Photographer without limits, take your GoPro hero or your drone and don't forget your tripods which is one most important when you want that steady shot,or timelapse or maybe selfie if you are a lone hiker.


5. First aid kit.

One item that should be a priority when packing.

Always make sure its one thing you have in your backpack, or as an attachment to your backpack 🎒.

It should contain painkillers, cotton wool, bandage 🩹🩹 etc etc. It isn't guaranteed that you might return without hurting yourself, so just have it in case.

It is worth having it than not.


6. Extra trail suits or sweat pants.

Pack extra of these as situations changes, your one pair might get so wet to wear it, it might get muddy to have it on, it can be torn you never know, it might get colder than you expected. Don't limit your hiking experience because you never packed an extra pant.

You can check more about pants here 👉


7. Backpack 🎒.

One essential you definitely can't start any trip without.

There are different backpacks for different trails and different hiking. Some are advanced some are normal, its up to you to choose the best that will suit you best.

When choosing you'll first need to know what kind of items you will be carrying how much space you will need. Also the weather or the destination's climate matters a lot as you will need a waterproof bag on rainy trails.

The backpack is the one that will contain almost everything that you will be taking along especially if it's a foot hiking. From foodstuffs, drinks, lighters, torch, powerbanks, chargers, etc etc.

Its on this same B.P 🎒 that you will put your extras in, so choose the right bag for the right trail and right climate. The longer the trip will take the bigger the backpack you will need.


8. Hiking sticks/Trekking poles.

These are not necessarily important when you are doing moderate hiking, but you can use them.

But when it comes to rocky and mountainous trails you wouldn't want to trek without them.

They improve the stability of a hiker and also steady and safe hiking experience.and minimizing chances of slipping off on slippery trails.

On moderate or normal trails you can get a stick from the bushes and make it your hiking stick (well, the survival way)You can also check them out here.

9. Few Dollars in Cash.

Last but not least, have few bucks in cash. You might need to buy extra snacks or water or even tipping and the inconveniences of using cards or mobile money transfer is a pain esp when your destination doesn't even know such kind of transactions. So always carry a some few cash.

These are some of the most basic things for that epic trip or adventure that you want to make a memory of.

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